Special Education Resource Teacher Academies
Special Education Resource Teacher Academies provide current licensed Arkansas public school educators in grades K-12 the opportunity to earn an additional Special Education Resource endorsement and participate in job-embedded professional development while receiving graduate school credit hours. All of the programs include 12-15 hours of graduate coursework delivered both synchronously and asynchronously, can be completed in one year, and are available at no cost for teachers.
Acceptance to the 2023-2024 Academies is limited, so educators are urged to complete the DESE Special Education Resource Teacher Academy Interest Form as early as possible. The interest form will be open April 10-18. Applicants contact information will be sent to the university and the applicant will be sent details of how to apply and register with the university.
For times, dates, and more information about academies click on the links below:
For more information, please contact:
Rhonda Saunders
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Special Education
1401 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 450
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-4281
email: rhonda.saunders@ade.arkansas.gov