Academic Playbook : Professional Development

Clarifying What Students Must Learn

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Playbook PD Sessions at the ADE Summit

Click here for more information and to register for the event.

  • K-4 on Tuesday, June 16
  • 5-9 on Wednesday, June 17
  • 10-12 on Thursday, June 18

Professional Development Best Practices

Needs Assessment


Teacher Teams

Instructional Strategies


Special Education


It is recommended that districts conduct pre-assessments in order to assess students' prior knowledge and skills.

Vertical Planning/Alignment

It is recommended that districts allot ample time for teachers to plan together in order to ensure that their strategies and content help prepare students for higher level material. This will ensure that given a subject, each grade-level curriculum adequately covers the necessary topics, skills, standards, and learning outcomes to ensure student success.

Unit Plans

Data Analysis

Assessment and other data can be utilized during the planning process (including vertical planning/alignment). Data should drive decisions and focus instruction.

Parent Resources for Teachers

  • "School's Out: A Parents' Guide for Meeting the Challenge During the COVID-19 Pandemic"
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety from CDC
  • Parent Power Hours- 1 hour pd opportunities to learn about technology, content specific strategies, etc. The pd can be live and recorded then posted on the school or district site.
  • Friday CAFEs (Community and Family Engagement)- Once a month to every Friday (whatever the school/district deems appropriate to support families and community members) opportunities. 30 minute live chats (FB, Zoom, etc.) for families to ask questions and have discussions about whatever is on their mind. Typically these are done with the principal, counselor, and whoever else may be available or designated. Any questions the team cannot answer at the time of the meeting will be addressed after the meeting and communicated back out. (Kim Wright, Contributor)

Suggested PD Formats

  • Arkansas IDEAS
  • Zoom
  • Local Educational Cooperatives
  • Onsite at Local Districts
  • Model Lessons on YouTube
  • ADE Summit

Suggested Resources


  • Susan Kissire, Superintendent, Bismarck School District,
  • Lesley Nelms, Assistant Principal, Hamburg High School,
  • Lisa Madden, Assistant LEA, Prescott School District,
  • Kimberly Grimes, Principal, Prescott Elementary School,

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