Spotlight on Angelique Gray

The department is pleased to highlight some of the amazing literacy coaches who are focused on improving literacy around the state! As part of the LEARNS Act, the department is hiring up to 120 literacy coaches who will support teachers in their efforts to ensure all students are reading on grade level by the end of third grade. Literacy coaches provide direct coaching, observation, information about student progress, and feedback to teachers in K-3 classrooms and support school leaders in implementing the Science of Reading and improving literacy school-wide. To learn more about the LEARNS Act, visit

Meet Angelique Gray

Hometown: Mountain View, AR
Years in Education: 11
Previous Roles: Classroom Teacher, Reading Specialist, Dyslexia Specialist
Currently Serving: Shirley School District and Arkansas Virtual Academy

What are some of the rewards you have experienced as a literacy coach?

The relationships I have built with the teachers and the administrators I am working with have been very rewarding. I am very thankful that I have been welcomed into the schools I support, and they have made me feel like I am a part of their school community. I look forward to working with the educators at the schools I support and see the impact we can have on student achievements.

What are some of the challenges you have experienced as a literacy coach?

Education is always evolving and at times can be a challenge. I am constantly learning new strategies and different approaches to implement best practices. I think having a positive attitude and embracing new learning can bring a positive outcome.

What advice do you routinely give teachers? Why?

I offer lots of encouragement and praise for the selfless work they are doing every day. I want teachers to understand the difference they are making in a child's life daily.

What words of encouragement would you give to a young struggling reader and his/her parents?

Never give up! Keep a positive attitude, and put in the extra time to practice reading skills. I would encourage parents to reach out to their child's teacher for resources and strategies to practice at home. I would also encourage parents to read to their child at home and have conversations about what they read. Create enjoyable experiences around literacy. Plan a fun trip to the local library, and let your child explore the many varieties of books available. Help them find books that interest them and foster that love for reading.