Research Publications
As part of the ADE data sharing agreements, institutions provide publications and/or reports to the department. These publications serve to show how the use of data from ADE is being used to inform educators, the public, and other stakeholders in matters of education.
21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) "Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality"
Arkansas 21st Century Community Learning Centers Statewide Evaluation 2016-2017 Annual Report
ACT, Inc.
Comparisons of Student Achievement Levels by District Performance and Poverty (2017)
Comparisons of Student Achievement Levels by District Performance and Poverty (2017 ISSUE BRIEF)
Comparisons of Student Growth by District Performance and Poverty (2017)
Comparisons of Student Growth by District Performance and Poverty (2017 ISSUE BRIEF)
Keeping Track of Improvement in Educational Practices (2016)
How School District Leaders Can Support the Use of Data to Improve Teaching and Learning (2015)
Use of Data to Support Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of Two School Districts (2015)
Catching Up to College and Career Readiness in Arkansas (2014)
Catching Up to College and Career Readiness in Kentucky (2014)
Catching Up to College and Readiness: The Challenge is Greater for At-Rist Students (2014)
College and Career Readiness: The Importance of Early Learning (2013)
Catching Up to College and Career Readiness (2012)
Getting Students On Track to College and Career Readiness: How Many Catch Up from Far Behind? (2012)
Rising to the Challenge of College and Career Readiness: A Framework for Effective Practices (2012)
Arkansas Activities Association (AAA) Study
Arkansas Department of Human Services and Arkansas Research Center
Arkansas Better Chance
Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Program Longitudinal Study (DCCECE/DHS/ARC)
Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Program Longitudinal Study 2009-2020
Economic Security Report (DWS/ARC)
Microsoft Word - Arkansas_ESR_2020_v04.docx
Early Development Instrument (DCCECE/ARC/Excel by 8/UCLA)
edi_community_snapshot_2022.pdf (
Bobby Hart - The Effectiveness of Project-Based and Traditional Instruction in Relation to 11th Grade Literacy 2018
Marilyn Wiggins - Keiser University, Dissertation
Matthew Lee - University of Arkansas, Office for Education Policy
Nick Hill - Harding University, Dissertation
Rebecca Cook - Arkansas Tech University, Dissertation
Sarah McPhate - Arkansas Tech University, Dissertation
Comparison of Grade Span Configurations and Fifth-Grade Students' Academic Achievement (2020)
The Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) at Stanford University
A Meta-Analysis of Simulations of 2020 Achievement Assessments in 19 States (2020)
Estimates of Learning Loss in the 2019-2020 School Year (2020)
Closure Virtual Control Records (2017)
Charter Management Organizations (2017)
Stanford University Releases National Study on School Closure (2017)
Closure Final Executive Summary (2017)
NY Statewide Charter School Study (2017) and PRESS RELEASE
Practice and Impact of Closing Low-Performing Schools (2017, Volume I)
Practice and Impact of Closing Low-Performing Schools (2017, Volume II)
Charter Schools Make Gains, According to 26-State Study (2013)
Charter School Performance in Arkansas (2009)
The Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest at SEDL
English Language Learners (2017)
English Language Learners (2016)
English Language Learners (2015)
English Language Learners (2014)
English Language Learners (2013)
University of Arkansas Office for Education Policy
Arkansas School Data-Graduation Rates
Start to Finish: Examining the Impact of the El Dorado Promise on Postsecondary Outcomes (2018)
Do Out-of-School Suspensions Impact Student Test Scores? (2017)
Education Policy Analysis Archives
Examining the Impacts of Middle School Disciplinary Policies on 9th Grade Retention (2017)
Promises Fulfilled? A Systematic Review of the Impacts of Promise Programs (2017)
Understanding a Vicious Cycle: Do Out-of-School Suspensions Impact Student Test Scores? (2017)
School Discipline in Arkansas (2017)
Do School Discipline Policies Treat Students Fairly? (2017)
Charlotte Parham – University of Arkansas (Conway) ARIL
Arkansas Students BENEFIT from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (2022)
Arkansas Imagination Library | Fostering a love of reading (2022)
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and Elementary Academic Success in Arkansas (UCA-ARC/DPIL)
DPIL and Elementary Academic Achievement (
Aaron Leverette, Harding University, Dissertation
The Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia, Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)
Characterizing the knowledge of educators across the tiers of instructional support.pdf
Farris, E. A. (2019). Recent findings: Struggles finding struggling readers. MTSU Center for Dyslexia Fall 2019 Newsletter, 3.
Farris, E. A. (2020). Recent findings: Examinations of educational disparities highlight the importance of building community within schools. MTSU Center for Dyslexia Fall 2020 Newsletter, 3-5.
Farris, E. A. (2022). Recent findings: Determining if reading problems are unexpected is hard: Concerns about the proposed listening comprehension – reading comprehension discrepancy index. MTSU Center for Dyslexia Spring 2022 Newsletter.
(The State of Education in Arkansas | Forward Arkansas)
state_of_education_in_arkansas_2023_-_report_summary.pdf (
Teacher Workforce Report
leaving the profession faster than the state is producing new teachers (2023)
Arkansas Department of Health - Office of Oral Health
NORC at the University of Chicago
Teachers’ Special Education Referrals for Younger Children Does It Vary by School Type
Ruby Dean – Arkansas Tech University, Dissertation
ACT Aspire 5th Grade Math Standards – Based Grading (2024)
Arkansas Department of Health
Vaccination Coverage and Exemptions among Kindergartners | SchoolVaxView | CDC