Federal Programs Ombudsman (Equitable Services)
The Federal Programs office ensures eligible private school children receive equitable services through the designation of an ombudsman in accordance with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) sections 20 U.S.C. §6320(a)(3)(B) and §7881(a)(3)(B).
The Federal Program ombudsman provides:
- A primary point of contact for addressing questions and concerns from private school officials and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) regarding the provision of equitable services under Titles I and VIII.
- Technical assistance and enforcement of a private school's proportionate share of Titles I and VIII services.
- Consultation agreement opportunities between the LEA and appropriate private school officials on how to provide equitable and effective programs for eligible private school children.
Equitable Services Complaint, Resolution and Appeals Process
Equitable Services Complaint Form
Commissioner’s Memo COM-18-069 issued 3/28/2018: Private School Affirmation of Consultation
For more information, please contact:
Jayne Green, Coordinator of Federal Programs
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Federal Programs
1401 W. Capitol, Suite 430
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-2395
Email: Jayne.Green@ade.arkansas.gov