ARP ESSER State Projects

The U.S. Department of Education awarded Arkansas $1.25 billion in American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds. States will use the funds to support and provide interventions that address student learning loss, summer enrichment programs, and comprehensive afterschool programs. Ninety percent of Arkansas’ funds will be sub-granted to school districts and community organizations, with the state set-aside amount totaling $125 million.

Programs funded through the state set-aside funds are highlighted below. Check back often, as new programs will be added as information becomes available.

Arkansas Out of School Network

ADE's Division of Elementary and Secondary Education is partnering with Arkansas State University to support its Arkansas Out of School Network (AOSN). The network will oversee and manage the distribution of approximately $25 million of ARP ESSER III funds to schools and other organizations that will provide afterschool, summer, and extended-school-year programs that promote learning and social emotional development.

Learn how schools and organizations can apply for this funding on the Arkansas Out of School Network page on this website.

SmartData Dashboards

Access to SmartData Dashboards for all public school districts will begin in the fall of 2021. This automated data dashboard is an early warning and early intervention system that allows school districts to focus on student achievement, student discipline, and student safety. Learn more on the SmartData Dashboard page on this website.

Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Regional Networks

The Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education will support schools in transforming their culture to a Professional Learning Community (PLC) through professional development and partnerships with Arkansas practitioners. This three-year process will guide schools in year one of building capacity by creating a guiding coalition to lead the work. To learn more, visit the PLC Regional Networks page.

Arkansas Tutoring Corps

The goals of the Arkansas Tutoring Corps are to build a system of recruiting and training tutors who are equipped to meet the academic needs of students in their geographic area, expand the Arkansas Tutoring Corps to at least 500 tutors and connect tutors with organizations serving students with academic needs in Arkansas for employment as tutors. 

To learn more, visit the Arkansas Tutoring Corps webpage.


The goal of AR THRIVE is to equip educators with the knowledge, training, and support in developing and sustaining a Multi-Tiered System of Support, so students have access to the personalized academic, behavior, and mental health supports needed to be successful.

Teaching Academies

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) Division of Elementary and Secondary Education will diversify and expand the number of teachers in the workforce by providing opportunities for current educators to grow professionally. In the 2021-22 school year, ADE offered three academies in the areas of Computer Science, Online Learning, and Special Education. In the 2022-23 school year four academies will be offered. Those academies are Online Learning, Computer Science, Early Childhood PreK, and Special Education Resource. 


To learn more, visit the Arkansas Teaching Academies webpage.

For more information, please contact:

Hope Worsham, ADE ESSER Program Director (Arkansas Out of School Network, Smart Data)
Arkansas Department  of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall
Little Rock, AR 72201

Phone: 501-712-6272