Private Schools: Equitable Services under ESSA
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, requires a participating Local Educational Agency (LEA) to provide eligible children attending private elementary and secondary schools, their teachers and their families with services or other benefits that are equitable to those provided to eligible public school children, their teachers, and their families.
These services are considered supplemental assistance to address the specific needs of eligible students attending private schools, their families, and their teachers rather than the general needs of a private school.
While the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) provides funding to LEAs for services to students attending private schools, ADE does not regulate, accredit, or provide oversight of private schools. As a result, when a private school closes, student transcripts are not stored at ADE.
Information on Equitable Services under ESSA:
Equitable Services Forms | Date |
SY 24-25 Affirmation of Consultation with Private Schools Form | 2/26/2024 |
SY 24-25 Affirmation of Consultation Information Sheet | 2/26/2024 |
Sample Title I Non-Public Family Income Survey | 9/23/2024 |
Trainings & Documents | Date |
ESSA Equitable Services Overview | 3/20/2024 |
ESSA Equitable Services FAQs | 9/23/2024 |
ADE List of Known Arkansas Private Schools by County | 9/18/2024 (updated annually) |
Guidance | Date |
Title I Equitable Services Non-Regulatory Guidance | 5/17/2023 |
Title VIII Equitable Services Non-Regulatory Guidance | 7/17/2023 |
Within-District Allocations Under Title I, Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance | 2/2022 |
For more information, please contact:
Alisha Ross, Public School Program Advisor
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Federal Programs
1401 W. Capitol, Suite 430
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-683-1243