First Draft April 24, 2017: Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement has taken many forms during the Arkansas Accountability System development process:
  1.  A webpage dedicated to ADE’s ESSA information. 
  2. An email address specifically for ESSA comments and feedback.
  3. A listserv for stakeholders to sign up to receive the most current information. 
  4. Monthly “Steering Committee Meetings” –These meetings are held once a month. . They are live streamed, recorded and open to the public. The agendas minutes and recordings are posted online  There are 12 Steering Committee Members. The Commissioner of Education is the Chair. The other eleven were appointed by the Commissioner and include members of the State Legislature, parents, teachers, school administrators, and a state board of education member. Member information: 
  5. Community Listening Forums – ADE partnered with State Education Cooperatives, University Stem Centers and Education Renewal Zone agencies and held ten Regional Community Listening Forums across the state. The purpose was to share information and receive public feedback and comments regarding the Arkansas Accountability System and ESSA. The Community Listening Forums provided Stakeholders with information about ESSA and the process for developing the accountability plan. The feedback from each of the Community Listening Forums can be found here: 
  6. Online surveys – Results of each online survey to can be found at 
  7. The opportunity to be an Ambassador. Ambassadors conducted Community Listening Forums and collected feedback to the ADE. Ambassador hosted Forums and feedback
  8. Advocates for Students – Committees will be asked to review the Arkansas Accountability System through the lens of student groups-English Language Learner/Title III, SPED, Economically Disadvantaged, Race/Ethnicity, Foster Children, Military Dependents, Homeless, Equity for All Students. The advocate groups will begin their work now that the first draft is available. 
  9. Five Advisory teams formed to address specific sections of the consolidated plan. They are: Accountability, Comprehensive School Support and Improvement, Educator Equity and Effectiveness, Assessment, and English Learners. Each team is comprised of stakeholders who have expertise in the specific areas to be addressed. Advisory team work can be found at