Assessment: Test Scores

Federal and state law, as well as State Board of Education regulations, mandate testing for public school students in Arkansas. All students are expected to participate in state assessments. 

The laws and regulations require the administration of criterion-referenced tests (CRTs). Starting in 2015-2016 Arkansas began administering ACT Aspire assessments in English, reading, writing, math and science to student in grades 3-10. Starting in 2018-2019 students in grades 3-10  with significant cognitive disabilities will take the Dynamic Learning Maps assessments in English Language Arts, math and science.

To view assessment scores, please click on a year to the left.

For more information, please contact:

Sheree Baird, Public School Program Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Student Assessment
Four Capitol Mall, Room 301-B
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Phone: (501) 683-0902
Fax: (501) 682-4886