Assessment: Historical Timeline

Early Grades K-2

Beginning in the 2017-2018 school year, each district was able to select the literacy and math assessment that best met their needs for their K-2 students. School districts were allowed to choose from a list of state approved assessments that originally consisted of Istation: ISIP, NWEA: MAP Growth, and Renaissance: Star. Curriculum Associates: i-Ready was added to the state approved list in the fall of 2020. The K-2 state approved list of assessments expired June 2024.

Beginning in the fall of 2024, Arkansas LEARNS Act 237 requires the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to implement a statewide comprehensive student assessment system that includes the following components:

(1) High-quality, evidence-based literacy screeners for Kindergarten through grade three (K-3) which also meets the requirements of a dyslexia screener during the first 30 days,

(2) Developmentally appropriate assessments for Kindergarten though grade two (K-2) in literacy and mathematics in the middle-of-year (interim) and end-of-year (summative). This suite of assessments is being provided by Cambium.

Summative Grades 3-HS

From spring 2007 to spring 2014, Arkansas administered the Arkansas Augmented Benchmark Exams in Literacy and math to students in grades 3-10,  End-of-Course Algebra 1, Geometry, and  11th Grade Literacy exams. 

From spring 2007 to spring 2015, Arkansas administered the Arkansas Augmented Benchmark Exam in science to students in grades 5 and 7 and the Biology End-of-Course exam. 
In the spring of 2015, Arkansas administered the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) English Language Arts exams in grades 3-10,  mathematics exam in grades 3-8, End-of-Course Algebra 1, and Geometry.

From spring 2016 to spring 2023, Arkansas administered the ACT Aspire assessments in English, reading, writing, math, and science to students in grades 3-10.

Beginning in the spring of 2024, Arkansas administered the ATLAS content assessments in reading and writing grades 3-10 and math and science at grades 3-8 and Algebra I, Geometry, and Biology End-of-Course assessments.

All publicly released data can be found at the ADE Data Center.

Archived student assessment materials can be accessed by visiting the assessment area links on the right.



For more information, please contact:

Sheree Baird, Public School Program Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Student Assessment
Four Capitol Mall, Box 26
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Phone: (501) 683-0902
Fax: (501) 682-4886