Unsafe School Choice Option & Persistently Dangerous Schools
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires each state that receives Title I funds to establish and implement a statewide policy which provides that a student who attends a persistently dangerous elementary or secondary school or who becomes a victim of a violent criminal offense while in school or on the school grounds, will be allowed to attend a safe public elementary or secondary school within the local education agency, including a public charter school, if the parent so desires.
Technical Assistance
The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education will provide technical assistance to LEAs through Commissioner's Memos, webinars, and upon request. General technical assistance will be posted on this webpage. Please send specific requests to Jayne.Green@ade.arkansas.gov.
Memo # | Memo Title | Date Posted |
COM-20-024 | Pilot Year for Persistently Dangerous Schools and the Unsafe School Choice Option | 08/23/2019 |
COM-21-126 | Unsafe School Choice Option and Pilot for Persistently Dangerous School Extended, Cycle 7 | 05/07/2021 |
COM-22-158 | Unsafe School Choice Option and Pilot for Persistently Dangerous School Extended, Cycle 7 Data Collection | 06/03/2022 |