School Reconfigurations
LEA Data Crosswalk
The School Performance and Monitoring Unit publishes an annual report conveying changes and reconfigurations affecting public schools throughout the state. School districts submit change requests to LEA Insights which are then processed by the School Performance and Monitoring Unit and the Arkansas Public School Computer Network (APSCN), with final approval coming from Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) leadership. The LEA Data Crosswalk is the culmination of the approved requests and is published at the end of each fiscal year.
Crosswalking data ensures that historical performance data from a school follows the school after changes have been made. Changes considered for accountability systems and reporting purposes include:
- New schools
- Closed schools
- Combined schools
- Annexed schools
- School name changes
- School grade range changes
- Charter school changes
For federal accountability purposes, Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI-ATSI, Low Performance, Graduation Rate), and More Rigorous Interventions - Comprehensive Support and Improvement (MRI-CSI) identification, and plan requirements will follow the students through the federal accountability ESSA Cycle regardless of the LEA reconfiguration.
- LEA Data Crosswalk for 2023-2024
- LEA Data Crosswalk for 2022-2023
- LEA Data Crosswalk for 2021-2022
- LEA Data Crosswalk for 2020-2021
- LEA Data Crosswalk for 2019-2020
- LEA Data Crosswalk for 2018-2019
For more information, please contact:
Jeffrey Fetters, School Performance Program Advisor
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Public School Accountability
Four Capitol Mall, Box 26
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-371-1967