Archived School Performance Information

The following is archived statistical information and reports related to school performance.

ESEA Flexibility

Click here to view the approved Arkansas Flexibility Request, July 27, 2015. For more information, go to the U.S. Department of Education’s website at

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 requires states to update the list of priority and focus schools to ensure that interventions are being implemented in the lowest-performing schools. Arkansas’ ESEA Flexibility request was recently renewed for one year, resulting in an updated list. To learn about priority and focus schools, ESEA flexibility and more, see the PowerPoint presentations below. 

Priority Schools PowerPoint (posted Sept. 25, 2015)

Focus Schools PowerPoint (posted Sept. 28, 2015)

Priority and Focus Schools FAQs (PDF)

The U. S. Department of Education allowed each State Education Agency (SEA) the opportunity to request flexibility on behalf of the State, Districts, and Schools to better focus on improving educational outcomes, closing achievement gaps, and increasing the quality of instruction. This opportunity will provide flexibility regarding specific requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). In addition, this flexibility will build on and support the significant State and District reform efforts already underway.

Arkansas, through its Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility, seeks to support every school where students continue to struggle. The state has created a system focused on college and career readiness that incentivizes continuous improvement in every school. Building on a record of strong reforms, including the ongoing enhancement of the state's highly rated longitudinal student data system, Arkansas will maintain its track record of setting high standards and expectations; unify its accountability and support systems; better differentiate between schools and districts to ensure the needs of all students are fully met and implement a comprehensive and aligned system of educator evaluation and support.  
Arkansas's ESEA Flexibility aligns with its state’s long-range education priorities and goals. It builds on the leadership the state has demonstrated to advance reform efforts to raise the bar beyond current requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in order to achieve college and career readiness for all students through a comprehensive, interconnected plan for education in the state. The state sets clear, high expectations, thoughtfully collects information to determine if those expectations are being met, then works with schools and districts to provide the necessary supports and interventions to improve outcomes. Arkansas's rigorous system uses an important combination of data for both academic achievement and growth toward proficiency to determine if schools and districts are meeting their goals.
The state maintains a critical focus on traditional subgroups, with a continued commitment to publicly reporting disaggregated data for all subgroups and targeting supports to any group that is not meeting its targets. This new accountability system incentivizes continuous improvement for all schools and districts, and is particularly focused on intensive supports and interventions for schools that are struggling the most. 

The U.S. Department of Education staff has reviewed and approved Arkansas’s "ESEA Flexibility Accountability Addendum." The addendum provides comprehensive information regarding the Arkansas’s system of differentiated recognition, accountability and support. It outlines the process for determining status of schools and districts based on expected performance gains for student achievement and the secondary indicators. ESEA Flexibility was approved by the U.S. Department of Education in 2012 and was amended July 10, 2013.

The documents and files under Related Links and Related Files to the right are archived Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility materials. 

Revised ESEA Flexibility Request (Revised July 27, 2015)

Schools Grouped by ESEA Status

To learn about how schools were grouped by status under ESEA, go to the ESEA Flexibility link under related files. 

Focus Schools

Priority Schools

Exemplary Schools

Related Files

ESEA Flexibility Documents

Grades for Schools

The A-F grading scale is a widely accepted way to identify how well a student is performing in school, especially on tests and assignments. To learn more about what the grades mean, check out  A-F Calculation and A-F Reporting videos.

Previous report card information is available on the following webpage: For immediate assistance, contact the School Performance Unit at 501-682-7339.

Grade Inflation Reports

Graduation Rates

To view the graduation rates from 2010 to 2017, please go to Graduation Rates.

Academic Distress

Consolidated Schools Report

The Arkansas Department of Education is required to track the educational progress of students from annexed or consolidated school districts. This Performance Tracking for Students from Consolidated Schools provides a summary of findings as well as data tables to reference as required by law.

Other Information

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