Important Information

1.  Verification

Verification is confirmation of eligibility for free and reduced-price meals under the NSLP and SBP. Verification is only required when eligibility is determined through the application process, not through direct certification conducted with an Assistance Program or officials or agencies that documented Other Source Categorical Eligibility. Verification must include either confirmation of income eligibility or confirmation that the child or any member of the household is receiving assistance under SNAP, FDPIR, or TANF or that a child is Other Source Categorically Eligible. Verification may include confirmation of any other information required on the application, such as household size. 

For completing and reporting results, ADE's Child Nutrition Unit has provided a Step-by-Step Guide to Verification page.

2.  Non-Program Foods

School Program regulations at 7 CFR 210.14 (f) require all revenue from the sale of non-program foods to accrue to the nonprofit school food service account. Non-program food is defined as food sold in a school at any time or location on the school campus (other than reimbursable meals) purchased using funds from the non-profit school food service account. Please note that this is different from competitive food which is defined as all food (other than reimbursable meals) sold to students during the school day. The USDA Policy Memo #SP-13-2014 provides clarification on the requirements for the accrual of revenue from the sale of non-program food. 

3. Food Safety

All schools must have a written food safety plan in compliance with Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) program criteria.  A sample food safety plan is available below.  

Districts may use the below resources to build a Food Safety Plan that fits the needs of each school:

4.  Professional Standards


Arkansas Department of Education – Rules Governing the Certification and Continuing Professional Development of Child Nutrition Directors, Managers and Workers, (March 14, 2005).

FIN-15-127: Additional Professional Standards Required for all Child Nutrition Personnel


USDA has released the Professional Standards for State and Local School Nutrition Programs Personnel as Required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Final Rule.

This final rule establishes minimum professional standards for school nutrition personnel who manage and operate the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. The final rule institutes hiring standards for the selection of State and local school nutrition program directors and requires all personnel in the school nutrition programs to complete annual continuing education/training. These regulations are expected to result in consistent, national professional standards that strengthen the ability of school nutrition professionals and staff to perform their duties effectively and efficiently.

Effective Date:  July 1, 2015

SP 39-2016 Questions & Answers on the Final Rule “Professional Standards for the State and Local School Nutrition Program Personnel as Required by the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010”

5. Summer EBT

USDA recently approved Arkansas’ 2024 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) plan. The Arkansas Department of Human Services will manage and provide oversight of the program, which will provide funds for meals to students during the summer when school is not in session. 

Students who are already individually approved to receive free or reduced-priced meals or who already receive SNAP or TEA benefits will automatically receive $40 a month for three months ($120 total) on an EBT card. 

For students who are not already individually approved for free or reduced priced meals or who do not already receive SNAP or TEA benefits, their parents/guardians must complete an application, and approval will be based on household income. This includes students attending a Provision 2 or Community Eligibility Provision school. The household income guidelines for eligibility are the same as those for free and reduced priced meals.

Commissioners Memo #COM-24-097

Additional Information:

Resources for this memo are the following documents:

If parents or guardians have any questions concerning the Summer EBT program, they should contact the Department of Human Services at the designated Summer EBT Email.

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