Fiscal Services and Support


The Fiscal Services and Support Unit partners with school districts, charter schools, and co-ops to maintain fiscal stability while providing all students an opportunity to learn and achieve their fullest potential.  


The unit provides assistance and support to school districts, public charter schools, and education service cooperatives, in preparing budgets.  The unit also monitors the fiscal operations and accounts of all school districts, education service cooperatives, and charter schools.

Data is gathered and analyzed to identify any fiscal condition that, if not corrected, could have a negative impact on the continuation of educational services by the school district. Intervention and professional consultation are provided when there are early indicators that could possibly lead to fiscal distress status. The unit identifies districts in fiscal distress, assesses their financial condition, addresses areas of fiscal concern, and assists in determining how to bring the district back to fiscal stability.

Districts identified as being in Fiscal Distress present Fiscal Distress Plans to the Unit for review and approval. The unit provides follow-up to the district’s plan to ensure the future financial success of the district.  On-site technical evaluation and assistance is provided, as well as fiscal training to school district board members and employees.

Fiscal Health Principles





Fiscal Health Management Principles

Fiscal Efficiency and Management Tools
pps 22-23 actual 23-24 budgetusers guidesalaries and fte pageenrollment projections

PPS Report for FY 23-24
Actuals and FY 24-25 Budget


PPS Reports
Users Guide


State Funded FTE's and
Average Salaries (36 37)


Enrollment Projections


Local Tax by
Mill Type Calculator
Meals Per
Labor Hour
Staffing Projection

Break the Cycle Presentation

Break the Cycle 1
Break the Cycle 2
Break the Cycle 3
Break the Cycle 4
Break the Cycle 5

For more information, please contact:

Saliha Qazi, Coordinator of Fiscal Services and Support
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 213C
Little Rock, AR 72203
Phone: 501-682-4228
Fax: 501-683-3433


Jason Miller, OCSS Fiscal Support
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Fiscal Services and Support
Four Capitol Mall Room 217C
Little Rock, AR 72203
Office: 501- 683-5289