Steps to Verification

1. Disburse and process meal application (July 1 - October 1)

2. Apply for a sample method to complete verification.

3. Establish a sample pool of applications

  • Determine total number of approved applications on file as of October 1.
  • Pull required applications at random based on sample method selected in Step 2.
  • Start Verification Tracker Form for applications pulled.

4. Write a narrative of the application selection process, see sample.

5. Provide selected applications to Confirming Official to confirm eligibility.

6. Notify households pulled for Verification.

7. Collect written evidence of income, collateral contacts, and /or agency records from household to support applications.

8. Notify household of Verification results (by November 15).

9. Complete Verification results and complete FNS-742 (November 15-December 15)

10. Email report to (Due December 15)

For training on the verification process and completing the FNS-742, watch the Verification for SY 2023-2024 video.