Arkansas Better Chance Program (ABC)


Arkansas Better Chance 

The Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) program was created in 1991to offer high quality early education services to children birth to five exhibiting developmental and socio-economic risk factors.  In 2003, the Arkansas Legislature made a commitment to expand early childhood education to serve low-income three and four-year old children in areas at high risk for academic failure with high quality pre-k services.  This expansion, known as the Arkansas Better Chance for School Success, has become the state pre-kindergarten program.  The ABC program models are Center-Based programs, Home-Visiting programs (HIPPY and PAT) and Family Child Care Homes. 

Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards

The Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards: Birth through 60 Months provide a set of common expectations for what children typically know, understand, and are able to do at different ages in early childhood. They are research-based, culturally and linguistically appropriate, comprehensive, and are written with the understanding that children reach developmental milestones at different times. The Standards are designed to assist in developing age-appropriate learning goals for children, to support developmentally appropriate curriculum and assessment, and to outline a progression of development and learning that supports success in school and in life.

BehaviorHelp Requests

The Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education (DCCECE) has a system called BehaviorHelp to assist programs with behavioral challenges in young children. To submit a request for support, visit. Please complete one request per child. Once the request is submitted, the DCCECE BehaviorHelp team will contact you as quickly as possible. If you have not been contacted within three business days, please email

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    For more information, please contact:

    Lori Bridges, Director of Early Childhood Programs
    Arkansas Department of Education

    Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Office of Early Childhood
    Four Capitol Mall, Room 306-B
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Office: 501-682-5557
    Cell: 501-813-7984

    Susan Underwood, Arkansas Better Chance (ABC) Manager
    Arkansas Department of Education
    Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
    Four Capitol Mall, Room 105-A
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Office: 501-683-1068
    Cell: 501-350-4944

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