Internal/External Agency Finance

To coordinate and process all purchasing, budgeting, and financial activities for all divisions and units within the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE); and to coordinate and process all state and federal funding payments to Arkansas public school districts according to state and federal laws, policies, and procedures.

The Internal/External Agency Finance Unit directs, coordinates, develops, manages, and maintains the ADE budgets and expenditures. The unit provides services to all ADE units for purchasing, developing contracts, receipting revenue, drawing down federal funds, processing payments and payroll, developing professional and technical contracts, and preparing all year-end financial statements.  The Unit tracks and monitors the agency inventory control process and risk assessment and control activities.  The Unit provides analyses and reports to the State Board of Education, Arkansas Legislature, Governor’s office, the public, and federal and state agencies.  The Unit also makes payments and distributes state and federal funding to Arkansas public schools, public charter schools, education service cooperatives, and other entities as mandated by state and federal laws.

For more information, please contact:

Greg Rogers, Assistant Commissioner
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education 
Fiscal and Administrative Services
Four Capitol Mall, Room 204-A
Little Rock, AR  72201
Phone: 501-682-4256