Office of Grants Management
Office of Grants Management
The Office of Grants Management oversees discretionary grants made by ADE to education-oriented entities. Grants Management staff work within the Grants Management System to make sure the discretionary grants adhere to applicable laws and rules.
Discretionary Grant Resources
- Grant Management System
- Discretionary Grant Management System Training (Video) and Quiz
- GMS Recipient User Guide
- GMS ADE Program Manager User Guide (Coming Soon)
- Grants Management Policy & Procedures
- FY2019 Risk Analysis (to be used for 2021-22 grants)
- FY2020 Risk Analysis (to be used for 2022-23 grants)
- FY2021 Risk Analysis (to be used for 2023-24 grants)
- FY2022 Risk Analysis(to be used for 2024-25 grants)
- Carryover Request - Template
- Extension Letter Request - Template
For more information, please contact:
Riley Favell, Grants Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 202-A
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Phone: (501) 682-4488