An LEA has 15 months - from July 1 of the year in which the funds are allocated through September 30 of the following year – to spend a federal grant award. In most cases, if an LEA does not obligate all of the funds by the end of the fiscal year for which Congress appropriated the funds, it may obligate the remaining funds during the carryover period of one year (34 CFR 76.709) for a 27-month total period of availability.
Title I, Part A, Migrant and 21st Century limits the amount of carryover to 15 percent of the total allocation. REAP-RLIS limits the amount of carryover to 5 percent of the total allocation. An LEA may request a waiver of this carryover limit once every three years.
*Migrant and 21st Century carryover limits are effective with the 2021-22 school year. Meaning there will be a carryover limit from the 2021-22 school year into the 2022-23 school year.
Title I Carryover Waivers Granted(PDF)
Title I Carryover Waiver Request Form(DOCX)
All the School funding reports can be found here
For more information, please contact:
Phone: 501-683-1461