Title I Comparability

Section 1120A(c) of the Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965 states that local educational agencies may receive Title I funds only if state and local funds will be used in schools served under Title I Part A to provide services that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to services in schools that are not receiving funds under Title I Part A.
The intent is to ensure that federal funds are provided over and above the nonfederal resources that otherwise would be provided.  Comparability is designed to evaluate the use of nonfederal resources in individual schools and ensure that the distribution of resources is equitable.
To prove comparability, an LEA must examine the state and locally paid instructional staff in all schools being compared.
  1. Instructions and Principles for Comparability (PDF)
  2. Form 1  (XLSX)
  3. Forms 2A and 2B (XLSX)
  4. Form 2C (XLSX)

All the School funding reports can be found here

For more information, please contact:

Annette Pearson, Federal Programs
Phone:  501-683-1243
Amy Thomas, Federal Funding Coordinator
Phone:  501-682-3636