Purple Star Schools

The Arkansas Purple Star School Award


The Arkansas Purple Star School Award recognizes schools and school districts that show a major commitment to serving students and families connected to our nation’s armed forces. Purple Star awardees are authorized to display the Arkansas Purple Star School logo in their building and are recognized on the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education website.  The Arkansas Purple Star School program is operated by the Arkansas Council for Military Children in cooperation with the Arkansas Department of Education.


Please see Arkansas Purple Star Schools for a sortable list.

Please see Arkansas Purple Star School Districts for a sortable list.


Schools must fulfill all the required activities, plus one optional activity, listed below. All requirements must be completed before the application is submitted. 

Required Activities 

  1. The school must designate a School Military Liaison (SML) to serve as a point of contact for military-connected students and families. The SML serves as the primary liaison between them and the school. The SML could be a counselor, administrator, teacher or another staff member. 
  2. The SML completes training on special considerations for military-connected students and families similar to training provided for District Military Education Coordinators under ACA 6-4-309. The SML may contact the Military and Veterans Liaison at the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to arrange for the professional development. 
  3. The SML identifies and informs teachers of the military-connected students in their classrooms and the special considerations military-connected students and families should receive; and 
  4. The school keeps a dedicated page on its website featuring resources for military families. If the school district keeps this page, then the school may link to is in lieu of creating its own page. 
  5. The school appoints a military service member (Active, Reserve, or National Guard), the spouse of a military service member, or a representative of the military community to serve on its school family engagement committee. 
  6. The school addresses military family issues in its school family engagement plan. Suggestions for inclusion in the school engagement plan are available at this link.

Optional Activities 

  1. The SML coordinates professional development on federally identified special considerations for military-connected students and families in the areas of a) records and enrollment, b) placement and attendance, c) eligibility, and d) graduation; or 
  2. The SML coordinates awareness training for military-connected family members; or 
  3. The school hosts a military recognition event to demonstrate a military-friendly culture at the school.


A district must complete all the following requirements. All requirements must be completed before the application is submitted. 

  1. All schools within the district must have achieved Purple Star School status. 
  2. The district school board passes a resolution of the school or district’s support for military-connected students and families. 
  3. The school must designate a District Military Education Coordinator (DMEC) to serve as a point of contact for military-connected students and families. The DMEC serves as the primary liaison between them and the school. The DMEC could be a counselor, administrator, teacher or another staff member. 
  4. The DMEC completes training on special considerations for military-connected students and families. 
  5. The district appoints a military service member, the spouse of a military service member, or a representative of the military community to serve on its district family engagement committee. 
  6. The district addresses military family issues in its district family and community engagement plan. 


Application is made online on the Arkansas Department of Education Division of Elementary and Secondary Education website using the Purple Star School Application or Purple Star School District Application. Applications may be submitted at any time. Applications will be vetted and then voted on by the Arkansas Council for Military Children during the next meeting of the Council.


Upon approval by the Arkansas Council for Military Children, the school or school district will have the privilege to use the Purple Star School or Purple Star School District graphic on its website, letterhead, official school or school district documents, signage on campus, and on any banners the school or district may purchase (e.g., banners for school clubs, teams, etc.)

For more information, please contact:

John Kaminar, Military Family Engagement Advisor
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 4C-300
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-683-5188
Email: John.Kaminar@ade.arkansas.gov