2012 Archived Benchmark Ancillary Materials
Spring 2012
Forms and Manuals:
- Pre-Assessment Meeting Handbook
- District and School Test Coordinators' Manual
- Test Administration Manual - Augmented Benchmark Grades 3, 4, 6 and 8
- Test Administration Manual - Augmented Benchmark Grades 5 and 7
- Test Administration Manual - Iowa Tests Grade 9
Information for Educators, Parents and Guardians:
- Educators
- Parents
- Una Nota Para los Padres (en español)
Guides and Tables:
- Basic Skills Proficiency Cuts for Iowa Tests
- Raw to Scale Score Conversion Tables
- Report Interpretation Guide - Augmented Benchmark Examinations Grades 3-8
- Report Interpretation Guide - The Iowa Tests Grades 1, 2 and 9