Interaction Build Relationships

INTERACTION: Build Relationships.
Treat others with respect.
Communicate effectively.
Seek out and offer help when needed.

This principle refers to the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding interactions and relationships with individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds. Students who demonstrate positive relationships communicate clearly, use active listening, and seek out and offer help when needed.



The Goals

As an Arkansas graduate, I am:

  • An effective cross-cultural communicator
    • I use positive communication skills to interact effectively with others.
    • I can articulate thoughts, information and feelings through oral and written communication.
    • I engage in positive relationships with individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds or with different perspectives.
  • An active listener
    • I  understand that I can prevent, manage and/or resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways.
    • I engage in healthy, rewarding relationships with peers and adults.
    • I can engage in conversation, being thoughtful and respectful even when I disagree.
  • A supporter of others
    • I can work with others to develop, implement and evaluate goals.
    • I can make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interaction. 
How I get there:
  1. K-2
  2. 3-5
  3. 6-8
  4. 9-12