Joint Use Agreement (JUA)

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The Arkansas Joint Use Agreement (JUA) Grant is a competitive application process made possible and supported by Arkansas’ governor and the Arkansas Tobacco Excise Tax. These funds help schools adopt and implement joint use policy which allows schools to form community partnerships to maximize resources while increasing opportunities for physical activity. Funds are available each fiscal year based on Tobacco Excise Tax appropriations or until funds are expended.
Through a JUA, a school can form an ongoing partnership with one or more entities, organizations, or cities to share indoor or outdoor space/s to meet shared goals and community needs. Through the shared use of space, schools and communities save money while providing more amenities to help children and adults be healthier. According to the National Association of State Boards of Education, health and success in school are interrelated. Strong school based policies can impact student health. Policies regarding the implementation of joint use play an essential role because often the schools recreation facility is the only one available in an area or within walking distance of neighboring residential areas.
Joint use policies can provide schools and communities with access to safe and attractive indoor and outdoor recreation facilities and are an important obesity prevention strategy in communities that lack access to safe places to be physically active.

For more information, please contact:

Faith Morris, School Health Grant Manager
School Health Services
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall, Mail Slot #14
Little Rock, Arkansas
Phone: 501-683-3588

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