

In middle/junior high school, I can:
  • Identify my own personal characteristics and values (e.g., dependable, integrity, ethical)
  • Demonstrate an ability to present my own perspective in a situation
  • Reflect on possible consequences, both positive and negative, before expressing my thoughts
  • Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior
  • Practice effective communication (e.g., listening, reflecting and responding)
  • Demonstrate flexibility in my thinking or my actions (e.g., ask for suggestions; think of alternatives; adapt to unexpected changes)
  • Identify and apply the steps of a decision-making model
  • Analyze factors that lead to goal achievement and success (e.g., managing time, adequate resources, confidence)
  • Apply goal-setting skills to promote academic, career and lifelong success
  • Persevere and be flexible when faced with change
  • Stay with a challenging task until completed


In middle/junior high school, I can:
  • Demonstrate responsibility for personal hygiene
  • Present myself appropriately for the setting
  • Apply self-reflection techniques to recognize my strengths, areas for growth and potential future plans
  • Explore possible career and volunteer opportunities based on my interests and strengths
  • Identify common resources and role models for problem solving
  • Implement a plan to build on strengths, meet a need or address a challenge
  • Analyze how using school and community support can contribute to school and life success
  • Recognize how my behavioral choices can impact my school and life success
  • Analyze the short- and long-term effects of safe, risky and harmful behaviors
  • Analyze emotions that contribute to or detract from my ability to effectively problem solve
  • Analyze and assess my response to emotions in multiple formats
  • Recognize common stressors and how they might impact me
  • Recognize physiological responses to emotions and identify strategies I can use to relieve stress
  • Demonstrate responsible social media use


In middle/junior high school, I can:
  • Monitor how facial expressions, body language and tone impact interactions
  • Understand group dynamics and respond appropriately within the group
  • Identify appropriate and inappropriate uses of social and other media, and the potential repercussions and implications
  • Identify peer pressure strategies to reduce risky behaviors and resist dangerous activities
  • Identify the impact of social media in relationships
  • Develop awareness of how my actions might create conflict (e.g., spreading rumors, misuse of social media, wrongful accusations)
  • Identify positive supports during a conflict situation/crisis
  • Evaluate strategies for preventing and resolving interpersonal conflicts
  • Apply conflict-resolution skills to de-escalate, defuse and resolve differences
  • Be able to listen to and acknowledge another’s perspective and rationale
  • Distinguish when it is appropriate to seek adult help or when conflict can be managed by peers


In middle/junior high school, I can:
  • Evaluate situations that are safe and unsafe and consider how I can stay safe (e.g., personal interactions, location, technology)
  • Monitor how responsible decision making affects progress toward achieving my goals
  • Analyze daily schedule of schoolwork and activities to meet goals
  • Recognize how, when and who to ask for help
  • Collaboratively develop and model classroom rules, routines and norms
  • Identify a problem, state what the problem is and identify the perspectives of those involved
  • Identify a desired outcome of the problem
  • Use creativity and innovation to generate multiple possible solutions and discuss each option in relation to resources, situation and personal principles
  • Identify the best solution to the problem and analyze if it is likely to work
  • Generate a plan for carrying out the chosen option
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the solution
  • Make adjustments and amendments to the plan
  • Accept responsibility for my personal decisions, including consequences


In middle/junior high school, I can:
  • Recognize nonverbal cues from others and respond appropriately
  • Use conversational skills to understand the perspective of others
  • Analyze ways in which my behavior may affect the feelings of others and adjust my behavior when it is negatively impacting others
  • Identify constructive ways to provide support and encouragement to others
  • Provide support and encouragement to others in need within our community
  • Show respect and sensitivity for other people’s perspectives and cultures
  • Recognize the impact of both positive and negative peer pressure on social relationships
  • Demonstrate ways to express empathy for others
  • Explain how individual, social and cultural differences may increase vulnerability to stereotyping and identify ways to address it
  • Analyze the effects of taking action to oppose bullying based on individual and group differences
  • Practice strategies for accepting and respecting similarities and differences
  • Practice strategies for accepting similarities and differences, and work together to problem solve using group strategies
  • Compromise and work effectively within groups