Gifted & Talented Services


The following definition shall guide districts in providing services and opportunities for students identified as gifted and talented:
Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services.
Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for their development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment and /or motivation, and creative ability.
Gifted Program Informational Posters
The following posters provide information about many aspects of gifted services:
GT Seminar
Arkansas Core Process Goals for Gifted and Talented Seminars (PDF), is based on four core process areas considered fundamental to the development of a differentiated curriculum: critical thinking, creative thinking, independent and group investigation, and personal growth. 
Advanced Learning and Gifted Program Specialists
Advanced Learning and Gifted Program (ALGP) Specialists support districts in meeting professional learning needs, developing and revising policies and procedures, implementing best practices for gifted and advanced learners, and providing advanced and accelerated learning opportunities.  The ALGP Specialists also provide opportunities for collaboration between districts and support for student enrichment opportunities.

For more information, please contact:

Gifted & Talented and Advanced Placement
Arkansas Department of Education

Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Learning Services
Four Capitol Mall, Slot 28
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-4224