Prescribed Pathway Credentials

Act 1063 of 2017, the Right to Read Act, as amended by Act 489 of 2021, states: “By the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year: A) All teachers employed in a teaching position that requires an elementary education (K-6) license or special education (K-12) license shall demonstrate proficiency in knowledge and practices of scientific reading instruction; and B) All other teachers shall demonstrate awareness in knowledge and practices of scientific reading instruction. 
The Arkansas Department of Education has established the following pathways for teachers who must demonstrate Proficiency or Awareness in scientific reading instruction. For questions concerning the various pathways or the implementation of Proficiency or Awareness credentials, please contact the ADE Literacy Office at 501-682-4219.

Prescribed Pathways for Proficiency Credential: 

All teachers employed in a teaching position that requires an elementary education (K-6) license or special education (K-12) license shall demonstrate proficiency in knowledge and practices of scientific reading instruction by completing both phases of a prescribed pathway. This includes any teacher employed in grades K-6 teaching English Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies. Other academic areas in K-6 (e.g., Art, Music, PE, Library Media, Counselor, Administrators) must show awareness in the Science of Reading (SoR).
Phase I outlines professional learning that meets the knowledge and practices in scientific reading instruction approved by the ADE. Phase II provides for demonstration of knowledge and practices in scientific reading instruction.

Pathway A

Phase I - Successful completion K-2 R.I.S.E. Academy (6 days w/ coaching)
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Proficiency Pathway for R.I.S.E. Trainers
K-2 R.I.S.E. Trainer

Phase I - Successful completion LETRS Foundations training (4 days)
   plus LETRS Foundations TOT training (4 days)

Phase II - Six days K-2 R.I.S.E. Training (6 days)
   plus Academy TOT (6 days)

3-6 R.I.S.E. Trainer
Phase I - 3-6 R.I.S.E. training (6 days)

Phase II - 3-6 R.I.S.E. TOT training (6 days)

Pathway B

Phase I - LETRS Foundations Training (3 days) (Available through Educational Cooperatives)
  plus ADE SoR Phonological Awareness
  plus ADE SoR Phonics-Decoding
  plus ADE SoR Phonics-Encoding
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway C

Phase I - Successful completion 3-6 R.I.S.E. Training (6 days)
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway D

Phase I - ArkansasIDEAS Science of Reading Learning Path (a total of 14 sessions of instructional content)
  plus 3 additional days from the following list:
    ADE Science of Reading Overview
    ADE SoR Phonological Awareness
    ADE SoR Phonics-Decoding
    ADE SoR Phonics-Encoding
    ADE SoR Content-Based Morphology
    ADE SoR Content-Area Reading Strategies
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway E

Phase I - Micro-credential: ADE Science of Reading (TBA) 
Phase II - Completed Micro-credentials

Pathway F

Phase I - Complete an IMSLEC accredited course of study at Practitioner (CALP) or Therapist 
(CALT) level. 
Phase II - Current IMSLEC certification CALP or CALT

Pathway G

Phase I - Passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020)

Pathway H

Phase I - **Districts may submit a request for a specific independent professional development (IPD) provider to be reviewed by ADE. 
Phase II - To be determined after ADE review and approval of District Plan

Pathway I

  plus ADE Science of Reading Overview
  plus ADE SoR Phonological Awareness
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway J

Phase I - Arch Ford Co-op K-3 Grade Level Reading (Offered 2016-2018)
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway K

  plus ADE Science of Reading Overview
  plus ADE SoR Phonological Awareness
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway L

  plus ADE Science of Reading Overview
  plus ADE SoR Phonics-Encoding
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway M

Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway N

Phase I - LETRS 3rd Edition Units 1-6 (available through Lexia Learning)
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway O

Phase I - Phonics First Level 1 (K-5)
   plus Brainspring Science of Reading
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway P

Phase I - Structures Level 1 (6-12)
   plus Brainspring Science of Reading
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway Q

Phase I - Completion of ADE approved coursework/modules aligned to the Foundations of Reading Competencies-Proficiency Level and offered through an Arkansas Educator Preparation Program.
Phase II  - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway R

Phase I - Dyslexia (527) licensure endorsement to a valid Arkansas Educator’s License
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment  

Pathway S

Phase I - Connections: OG in 3D (Version 2016 or prior)
   plus Connections RISE Follow-up Day
Phase II - Successful Completion of The APPLE Group Dyslexia Therapist Course or *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway T

Phase I - Connections: OG in 3D (Version 2017 or later)
Phase II - Successful Completion of The APPLE Group Dyslexia Therapist Course or *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway U

Phase I   Critical Reading: Science of Reading Awareness (4 days) available at Education Service Cooperatives.
    plus ADE Science of Reading Overview
    plus ADE SoR Phonics-Decoding
    plus ADE SoR Phonics-Encoding
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

Pathway V

Phase I   LETRS Classic (Modules 1-6) must include Arkansas Specific Supplement
Phase II - *Observation by ADE Certified SoR Assessor (Begins 2019-2020) or passing score on Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment

* ADE Certified Science of Reading (SoR) Assessor:

An ADE Certified Science of Reading (SoR) Assessor must 1) be a licensed administrator or serving in the role of the administrator; 2) complete Phase I of a Prescribed Pathway for Proficiency Credential; and 3) attend an SOR Assessor Academy (Begins 2019). It is highly recommended that administrators attend R.I.S.E. Academies with their teachers. 

** District Submission of Independent Professional Development (IPD) 

Districts desiring to use a pathway other than those already approved by ADE may submit a request for a specific Independent Professional Development (IPD) provider to be reviewed by ADE using the IPD Review Form (available in the Related Files section of this page). This is NOT a review of the curriculum program but rather the training program provided for teachers.  If an IPD training program is approved, it will be added to the Prescribed Pathways for Proficiency list for the state. The district is responsible for submitting all necessary materials for consideration. Requests will not be accepted directly from a vendor. Detailed instructions can be found on the IPD Review Form.

Prescribed Pathways for Awareness Credential: 

All other teachers (e.g., 7-12 Content Specific, Coaches, Library Media Specialists, Career and Technical Education, Counselors, Administrators) shall demonstrate an awareness in knowledge and practices in scientific reading instruction by completing one of the Prescribed Pathways for Awareness.  

Recommended for all other licensed educators not required to show Proficiency


Science of Reading Learning Path
A total of 14 sessions of instructional content (beginning summer 2018). 
If you need assistance with your ArkansasIDEAS account, please contact:
ArkansasIDEAS Help Desk
Mon-Fri | 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM 
Phone: (800) 488-6689

Face to Face: 

Option 1:

Phase I of any of the approved Prescribed Pathways for Proficiency Credentials
Check with session providers for registration and attendance details.  

Option 2:

Completion of ADE approved coursework/modules aligned to the Foundations of Reading Competencies-Awareness Level and offered through an Arkansas Educator Preparation Program.

Option 3:

Critical Reading: Science of Reading Awareness (4 days) provided by the Northwest Arkansas Education Cooperative.

Option 4:

BRAINSread - Awareness Training (3 days)

Option 5:

Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) - version 2017 or later
Comprehensive Orton-Gillingham Training (30 hours)
Intermediate Orton-Gillingham Training (30 hours)

Option 6:

Superintendent Science of Reading Awareness (1 day) provided by DESE in collaboration with AAEA.  This session is recommended for District Superintendents.

Option 7:

LETRS for Early Childhood Educators (2nd Edition)

Option 8:

Lexia Letters for Administrators 16 hour course

This page was last updated on January 23, 2025.

For more information, please contact:

Learning Services
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 202-B
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Phone: 501-683-5764
Sandy Shepard, Lead Regional R.I.S.E. Specialist
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 202-B
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Phone: 501-682-9961