In late elementary (3-5), I am learning to:
- Identify situations where I might need to ask for assistance as well as identify alternate solutions to problems
- Distinguish between fact and opinion
- Identify emotions that I am feeling and the situations that might cause them
- Identify and develop techniques to calm myself when in a pressure situation
- Identify how my actions impact others and understand that there are consequences to behaviors
- Effectively participate in group decision-making processes
- Describe the steps of a decision-making model
- Describe, create and implement steps in reaching a concrete goal
- Evaluate progress toward my goals for success in the classroom
- Adapt to change that may occur in the classroom, school or in a social situation
In late elementary (3-5), I am learning to:
- Identify my emotions and use constructive language to express my feelings
- Practice responsibility for personal hygiene and describe its impact on social relationships
- Describe my own personal qualities (e.g., personal strengths, weaknesses, interests and abilities)
- Describe and prioritize personal skills and interests that I want to develop
- Identify my own emotions and recognize how they can be linked to behavior
- Identify reliable self-help strategies (e.g., positive self-talk, problem solving, time management, self-monitoring)
- Recognize qualities of positive role models and distinguish between negative, prevent and cope with stress or difficult situations in a positive manner
In late elementary (3-5), I am learning to:
- Recognize the needs of others and how those needs may differ from my own
- Recognize how facial expressions, body language and tone impact interactions
- Use collaborative/cooperative skills successfully
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship
- Initiate positive interactions with other students most of the time
- Ask for help from adults and peers in socially acceptable ways
- Recognize when another needs help and offer assistance
- Identify problems and conflicts commonly experienced by myself and my peers
- Identify appropriate and inappropriate ways to resolve conflicts
- Recognize safe and responsible touch
- Negotiate with others to meet my own needs and goals
In late elementary (3-5), I am learning to:
- Compare and contrast safe and unsafe situations
- Identify how responsible decision making affects short-term and long-term goals
- Create a daily schedule of schoolwork and activities
- Identify factors that will inhibit or advance the accomplishment of personal goals
- Recognize how and when to ask for help
- Describe the reasons for my decision
- Understand the individual roles and responsibilities in the classroom and in school, and how they are important
- Identify and describe a problem
- Identify a desired outcome to the problem
- Generate possible solutions to the problem and analyze the pros and cons of each solution
- Select and implement the best solution
- Analyze the outcome of the solution
- Accept outcomes for decisions and choices made
In late elementary (3-5), I am learning to:
- Identify multiple reasons for an emotion
- Use listening and attention skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others (e.g., face, body, voice)
- Respond empathetically to another’s emotions and needs (e.g., share a similar personal experience; advocate for someone; relinquish an object)
- Analyze how my behavior may impact or affect others
- Show respect and cooperation when working with others
- Recognize ways in which my behavior may affect others and adjust my behavior accordingly
- Define bullying and demonstrate an awareness of the impact of bullying on others
- Work collaboratively with others, including those who are different from me, to solve a problem or achieve a goal
- Acknowledge and identify commonalities and differences among people (e.g., race, culture, language, abilities, etc.)
- Identify and appreciate the abilities, skills and qualities of others
- Identify and perform roles that contribute to my home, school and community
- Demonstrate the positive characteristics of treating others with kindness, courtesy, respect and care.