Supplemental Student Opportunities
Arkansas Governor’s School (AGS)
Students must be nominated by their schools to apply. Counselors, gifted and talented coordinators, or teachers should be working through the nomination criteria with interested students. Completed applications are due from schools at the end of January. Applications are reviewed by a state-appointed selection committee and selections are announced in April. For more information visit the Arkansas Governor's School official website.
Academic Enrichment for Gifted/Talented in Summer (AEGIS)
Academic Enrichment for Gifted/Talented in Summer programs are educational experiences for gifted students in Arkansas at no cost to families. Students entering grades 7-12 may apply to various programs, both residential and commuter, offered around the state. Programs lasting from one to two weeks in the subject areas of science, mathematics, literature and communications, social studies, computer science, arts and music, and foreign languages are available. Proposals for enrichment programs are accepted and reviewed each year.
For more information, please go to AEGIS Programs for Summer.
For more information, please contact:
Krystal Nail, Program Director
Amanda Peebles, Program Advisor
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Learning Services
Four Capitol Mall, Slot 28
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-4224