Parental Engagement

The Engagement unit moves beyond basic compliance by inspiring districts, agency partners, families and communities to engage in meaningful relationship-building in which all voices are equally valued.

  1. Resources for parents and families:
  2. The unit offers guidance on meeting federal and state requirements:
  3. A toolkit for implementing the “Arkansas Family and Community Engagement Framework:

For more information, please contact:







Freddie Scott, Operations Manager (Arkansas River, Crowley’s Ridge, Great Rivers, Northeast, and Southeast Co-Ops, Open Enrollment Charter Schools, and Division of Youth Services)

Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Learning Services
Four Capitol Mall, Mail Slot #26
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone:  501-683-6286


John Kaminar, Program Advisor/Military and Veterans Liaison
(Guy Fenter, Northwest Arkansas, South Central, Southwest, Wilbur Mills Co-Ops and Arkansas Military/First Responders Academy)
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Learning Services
Four Capitol Mall, Mail Slot #26
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone:  501-683-5188