Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-component, general education model, designed to identify students who may be at risk for learning or behavior challenges, offer support, and monitor progress.
Click on parts of the graphic below to get a dropdown with more information.
- Focus: Students not responding appropriately to Tier I core instruction and Tier II interventions.
- Interventionist: Highly trained, skilled and knowledgeable school or specialized personnel.
- Setting: Most often takes place outside of general education classroom.
- Grouping: Small, homogenous grouping (1:1 - 1:3).
- Curriculum: Supplemental, customized, intensive, systematic, evidence-based instruction that targets math or reading areas of greatest need; compliments/supplements core instruction.
- Duration: Varies, a minimum of 10-30 weeks Research Determined by Intervention.
- Length of Instructional Sessions: 30-60 minutes; five times per week. Note: in addition to core instruction at Tier 1. (AIR Provide research for support.)
- Assessment: Combination of informal and formal measures to inform instruction, identify specific skill deficits and determine intervention relative to mathematics and/or reading.
- Progress Monitoring: Once per week to examine rate and level of performance for the purpose of determining student response to supplemental instruction/intervention.
- Behavior: Attention to behavior factors (absenteeism, inattention) that impact performance.
Tier II - SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION - Focus: Students considered at-risk as determined by universal screening, progress monitoring data and additional validated measures of student performance. This Tier should target 10%-15% of the student population.
- Interventionist: Trained, skilled and knowledgeable school personnel which may include classroom teacher (e.g. paraprofessional, classroom instructor, elective instructors).
- Setting: Variable, can occur in and/or outside of general education classroom.
- Grouping: Small, homogenous grouping (1:3 - 1:5) based on similar instructional needs.
- Curriculum: Supplemental, evidence-based intervention designed to address skill deficits of students; compliments/supplements core instruction.
- Duration: Varies, based on rate of progress and performance of students; 12-18 weeks minimum or time period consistent with intervention guidance.
- Time: 20- 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times per week or consistent with intervention research. (AIR: Provide Research Based Support) Note: in addition to core instruction at Tier 1.
- Assessment: Combination of informal and formal measures to inform instruction and determine response to intervention, and use diagnostic assessments to identify specific skill deficits relative to reading and math.
- Progress Monitoring: Every two weeks examine rate and level of performance for the purpose of determining student response to supplemental instruction/intervention.
- Behavior: Attention to behavior factors (absenteeism, inattention) that impact performance.
Targeted Intervention
in addition to core
instruction for at risk
students (10-15%)
Tier I - CORE INSTRUCTION - Focus: ALL students (Should meet the needs of approximately 85% of the students.)
- Interventionist: General education teacher
- Setting: General education classroom
- Grouping: Variable and flexible grouping formats
- Curriculum: Scientific, research-based math and reading instruction aligned to state standards and differentiated based on student need and ability
- Duration: Year-long
- Time: Involves a significant block of uninterrupted ELA and math instruction per day
- Assessment: Screening 3 times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) plus a combination of informal measures to inform instruction and identify students who may be at-risk for math and reading failure
- Progress Monitoring: Students who are just below or a few points above the recommended benchmark score on universal screening may be progress monitored on a monthly basis
- Behavior: Attention to behavior factors (absenteeism, inattention) that impact performance.
Core Classroom Instruction
that is evidence based and differentiated
for all students
For more information, please contact:
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1401 W. Capitol Ave. Suite #425
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-319-7333 ext. 119