District English Learner Plan Requirements
The state Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has a legal responsibility under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA) to ensure that all local education agencies (LEAs) meet the federal requirements to properly identify, assess, and support English Learner (EL) students through an effective English Language Development (ELD) program. In order to meet this requirement, all LEAs must submit an annual district-wide English Learner Plan to DESE, whether currently enrolling ELs or not.
Title III Grant Application
The Title III application and funding is based on the number of EL students that an individual LEA reported to the DESE on Cycle 2 as well as the number of Title III served students in private schools reported in Cycle 6 in the prior school year. The English Learner Plan is the first part of the Title III Grant Application and is due in Indistar by the last Friday in June for the upcoming school year.
English Learner Plan for Non-Title III Districts
This form is required for ALL districts NOT receiving Title III federal funds, including districts not currently serving ELs and is due in Indistar by October 1 of each school year.
Submission Method | Details | Due Date |
Title III Grant Application | The English Learner Plan is the first part of the Title III Grant Application. | Last Friday in June |
English Learner Plan for Non-Title III Districts | Districts that do not receive Title III funds will submit plan in Indistar. | October 1 |
Webinars: See "Related Links" to access the ESOL Training Hub
For personalized support or additional information, please contact:
Maria Touchstone, ESOL Program Director/Title III Co-Coordinator
english.learners@ade.arkansas.gov or contact your ESOL Regional Specialist
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Learning Services