Resources for School Staff
Resources for School Staff
What is National Instructional Media Accessibility Standard (NIMAS)?
National Instructional Media Accessibility Standard is a technical standard established for use by book publishers to produce source files (in XML) that may be used to develop multiple specialized formats for children with print disabilities.
This was formulated within the IDEA Improvement Act and implemented through the repository called the NIMAC, the National Instructional Media Access Center, national electronic file repository that makes National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) files available for the production of core print instructional materials in specialized formats. Created under IDEA 2004, the NIMAC receives source files in NIMAS format from textbook publishers, and makes these files available for download to Authorized Users in the United States and its territories through an online database. Once downloaded, files can be used to create a variety of specialized formats, such as braille, audio, or digital text, on behalf of qualifying blind, visually-impaired or print-disabled students in elementary or secondary school.
Accessible Educational Material (AEM) Navigator
The AEM Navigator is an interactive tool that facilitates the process of decision-making around accessible educational materials for an individual student.
The four major decision points in the process include:
1. Determination of need
2. Selection of format
3. Acquisition of format
4. Selection of supports for use
The AEM Navigator also includes a robust set of guiding questions and useful references and resources specifically related to each decision point. Different scaffolds of support are built in so that teams can access information at the level needed to assist them in making informed, accurate decisions.