Juvenile Detention Programs

Juvenile Detention Programs are any facility operated by a political subdivision of the State for the temporary care of juveniles alleged to be delinquent or an adjudicated delinquent, and awaiting disposition, who require secure custody in a physically restricting facility. The juvenile detention facility and the district where the juvenile detention facility is located are designated as responsible for educating the student consistent with federal and state laws for any period of time the student is being detained in the facility. The resident district of a student who is being detained in a juvenile detention facility shall work cooperatively with the juvenile detention facility and the district where the juvenile detention facility is located for the first nine (9) days that the student is being detained at the facility either awaiting adjudication or pursuant to court order. Immediately upon receiving notice that a student has been detained in a juvenile detention facility for (10) days or more, the resident District shall drop the student from enrollment.

Sample Memorandum of Understanding Between Public School Districts and Juvenile Dention Centers