Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS)

Also referred to as Significant Disproportionality.

The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education's Office of Special Education (DESE-OSE), has identified certain local educational agencies (LEAs) as significantly disproportionate based on race or ethnicity with respect to the identification of children with disabilities; the identification of children in specific disability categories; the placement of children with disabilities in particular educational settings; or the incidence, duration, and type of disciplinary actions, including suspensions and expulsions.

In accordance with 34 CFR §300.646, any local education agency (LEA) identified as having significant disproportionality, as defined by the state, is required to set aside 15% of their new allocation for the development and provision of CCEIS for -

  • Children who are not currently identified as needing special education or related services but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment (ages 3-21); and
  • Children with disabilities (ages 3-21).

An LEA may not limit the provision of comprehensive coordinated early intervening services to children with disabilities.

CCEIS activities must:

  • Address the needs of those student subgroups that were identified as the basis for causing the LEA to be identified as significantly disproportionate, but not exclusively, for those student subgroups;
  • Focus on academic and behavioral instructional services and professional development;
  • Focus on preschool through twelfth grade (PS–12) instructional activities with primary focus on preschool through third grade; and
  • Track and report students served under CCEIS in the Early Intervening Services Module in eSchool for the duration of the fiscal year during which the district was identified.

CCEIS Required Tools

Arkansas CCEIS Tool (Excel)
Arkansas CCEIS Application (Word)

Public Reporting

CCEIS Calculation Summary (pdf)

CCEIS Profiles for 2024-25

CCEIS Appeals

CCEIS Data Appeals Process

Data Appeal Form

Voluntary CEIS

Use this application only if your district is voluntarily setting aside funds for CEIS.  These funds can only be used for students without disabilities.

Arkansas as CEIS application (Word)