Arkansas Transition Services

Arkansas Transition Services

What We Do

Arkansas Transition Services consultants serve all seventy-five counties in Arkansas to improve transition outcomes for students with disabilities. Our mission is to effectively assist students with disabilities, educators, parents and families, agency personnel and community members in preparing students for a seamless transition from high school to adult life and reach positive post-school outcomes. We provide technical assistance, training and consultations to special education teachers and other relevant staff, as well as to various agency personnel. Our services are provided at no cost. 

We host a bi-annual conference for local school teams to build action plans for improving their transition programs. We also hold a Film Camp in April that provides students the opportunity to discover their talents and strengths, and to learn skills that can be used in all workplaces. 

Who We Are

Arkansas Transition Services consultant group serves Arkansas school districts in affiliation with the Arkansas Department of Education, Office of Special Education. Our goal is to provide prompt technical assistance and up to date professional learning opportunities to those working with special education students of secondary transition age. Each transition consultant serves a specific area of the state and has the tools and resources needed to ensure compliance with secondary transition planning as mandated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and to help educators transition students to positive post-school outcomes.

Services We Provide

Technical Assistance

  • ATS Quarterly Newsletter

  • Website materials and tools

  • Brochures and handouts

  • Exhibit/present at state conferences

  • Attend local transition fairs and provide general information

  • Provide various transition trainings including development of transition plans, assessing predictors of post-school successes, implementing inclusive practices for students with disabilities, and implementing evidence-based practices

  • Research and develop various trainings and materials as needed by districts

  • Attend/present at LEA meetings

  • Provide online Training Modules

  • Provide training on interagency collaboration practices

  • Provide an opportunity for students to attend Film Camp to discover strengths and skills that can transfer to any work environment

  • Provide onsite technical assistance and consultations

  • Allow district access to our library of transition assessments and materials

  • Data Collection, Analysis, & Reports

  • Facilitate development of transition teams/attend Transition team meetings

  • Participate in Cadre meetings

  • Attend and help plan transition fairs & parent informational sessions

  • Facilitate teacher/student connections with community agencies

  • Plan and provide learning opportunities at the Arkansas Transition Services Summit

  • Provide College Bound Arkansas summer camp activities for students with disabilities

  • Conduct surveys to better define needs within districts

Intensive Technical Assistance

  • Provide technical assistance and ongoing support for implementation of Communicating Interagency Relationships and Collaborative Linkages for Exceptional Students (CIRCLES) 

  • Conduct student file reviews specific to secondary transition plans and recommendations for additional training as needed

  • Facilitate person centered planning meetings

  • Incorporate district leadership teams’ work in scaling up evidence-based practices gradually into other districts

  • Provide customized onsite consultations

  • Research and develop various trainings and materials

  • Provide opportunities to participate in studies that allow training for provision of evidence based practices for students with disabilities.

For more information, please contact:

Bonnie Boaz, Arkansas Transition Services Coordinator

Arkansas Department of Education

Division of Elementary and Secondary Education

1401 W. Capitol Ave., Little Rock, AR 72201

Phone: 501-375-6487
