Sample Agreement/Contract Language
Local education agencies (LEA's) who have opted to assure coordination
with the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC)
must include in contract or agreement language for the purchase of print
instructional materials that the publisher send a NIMAS file set to
NIMAC and/or the publisher make alternative format materials directly
available to the district. The Office of Special Education Program
(OSEP) opined in a January 2008 letter to New Mexico that – "this
requirement is applicable to all new contracts for the sale of print
instructional materials since July 19, 2006, notwithstanding when they
were first published." As a result this language must be included in all
purchase agreements for print instructional materials (as defined
above) that a district executes."
The following templates include contract/purchase agreement language in
several formats as suggestions to districts for material contracts. The
sample language requires the publisher to send the NIMAS file sets to
the NIMAC repository and confirms the LEA’s right to provide specialized
formats as mandated by federal law. The files in NIMAC will be
available to Arkansas LEA’s through identified authorized users
designated to access the NIMAS file sets. LEA’s can identify a date
certain for delivery of the NIMAS file set to NIMAC in the
contract/purchase agreement language when it is known that lead time
will be needed to allow for production of specialized formats. This
issue has reached a new level of importance because of the advent of
Arkansas becoming an open territory State in selection of educational
materials, our methods for identifying and selecting materials has been
transferred almost exclusively to local control and the variety of
educational materials has become much more extensive.
A second optional part of the sample language allows schools to require
specialized format materials as designated by each LEA be made directly
available from the publisher for purchase by the LEA. Schools may
identify one or more specialized formats they wish to have directly
available from the publisher for purchase. Another suggestion is that
contracts include language for requesting core curriculum and
supplementary be available in a accessible formats. While not required,
inclusion of an option to directly purchase specialized materials would
likely be a benefit to districts.
Sample Template
By agreeing to deliver the materials marked with “NIMAS”; on this
contract or purchase order, the publisher _____________________, agrees
to prepare and submit, on or before _____/_____/_____ a NIMAS file set
to the NIMAC that complies with the terms and procedures set forth by
the NIMAC. Should the vendor be a distributor of the materials and not
the publisher, the distributor agrees to immediately notify the
publisher of its obligation to submit NIMAS file sets of purchased
products to the NIMAC. Files will be used for the production of
specialized formats as permitted under the law for students who are
blind or students with documented print disabilities, as defined in IDEA
2004; Section 300.172. Further, it is requested that the publisher
include a valid XML source file (MathML3), rather than image-based files
for books in the content areas of Math and Science. If accessible
versions of this material are not available from any other source, the
publisher gives permission for the purchaser to create an accessible
version or versions.
This is page ____ of ____ of this contract or purchase order.