Mediation/IEP Facilitation


The Arkansas Special Education Mediation Project (ASEMP) is different from other mediation programs in that it is not court-centered. The ASEMP gives parents and schools an alternative to filing a state complaint or requesting a due process hearing. Trained professional mediators assist parties in finding effective solutions to the problems affecting educational services for children with disabilities.

Mediation Project Brochure

Mediation Process

Facilitated IEP Meeting

Facilitation utilizes an impartial facilitator to guide the process of the meeting and to assist members of the IEP team in communicating effectively with the goal of developing an acceptable IEP. The role of the facilitator is to lead the IEP meeting by helping parties work through the agenda and ensure that individual IEP Team members are able to participate in a productive and balanced meeting. Facilitators are not to make decisions for the IEP Team, provide legal advice, record minutes, or write IEP agreements for the team. Facilitators provide clarification and share information as appropriate, and assist parties to problem-solve areas of concern. Facilitation is not required by law; it is a voluntary service provided at no-cost to parents and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) by the Arkansas Department of Education, Office of Special Education, through the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law.

Request Mediation or IEP Facilitation

If you want to participate in this process, go to Request for Mediation/IEP Facilitation.