State Complaints
When questions or concerns arise regarding your child’s special education program, it is helpful to attempt to address the issue with the teacher(s) first. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s special education program, you may also request that the school reconvene your child’s individualized education program (IEP) team. This request may be in writing, and should be given to the special education teacher or team leader, or special education director, with a copy to the special education director and/or school principal.
If your questions and concerns are not successfully addressed by your child’s school, you may request to meet with the special education director. If you are still not satisfied with how your questions and concerns have been addressed, you may request a meeting with the superintendent or administrator of your child’s school.
If you would like more information about options available, you may contact the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Special Education Dispute Resolution Section (DRS). The DRS works to assist parents and districts resolve disputes at the lowest possible level. If you would like to file a state complaint in accordance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) and federal and state regulations, you may use the form below or submit your complaint in writing to the DRS. Pursuant to federal regulations, all complaints must:
1) Be in writing;
2) Be signed;
3) Include a statement that a public agency (usually a school district) has violated a requirement of law;
4) Include the facts upon which the allegation is based;
5) Must allege a violation that occurred within the past year;
6) Must include a proposed resolution to the alleged violation; and
7) Must be forwarded to the public agency serving the child at the time the complaint is sent to ADE.
For more information about the Dispute Resolution process, see the link below, or feel free to contact the DRS at the contact information below:
For more information, please contact:
Rick Porter
Administrator, Dispute Resolution and Special Projects
Administrator, Dispute Resolution and Special Projects
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1401 West Capitol Ave, Suite 450
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
Phone: 501-682-4291
Fax: 501-683-4496