Educational Services for the Visually Impaired (ESVI)

What We Do

ESVI services may be accessed by obtaining a current eye medical report on the student and completing a CIRCUIT referral.
If the student meets eligibility criteria these services may be provided:
  •  Consultation is offered by trained professionals who are dually certified as Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) as well as Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS)
  •  Facilitation in the development of district-level educational program and district “TEAM” for a student who is blind or visually impaired
  •  Recommendations for adaptations and modifications to enhance the student’s opportunities for learning
  •  Recommendations for large print, Braille books or digital materials
  •  Recommendations for educational materials and assistive technology
  •  Assessment, instruction and consultation in the use of recommended low vision devices and Orientation and Mobility
  •  Functional Vision Assessments, Learning Media Assessments (FVA/LMA), Orientation and Mobility Evaluations and Functional Assistive Technology Evaluations
  •  Statewide and regional trainings/professional development

Who We Are

Educational Services for the Visually Impaired (ESVI) is a federal grant program funded through the Arkansas Department of Education, Special Education Unit.  This program provides services to students who are blind or visually impaired who need additional supports and assistance to enhance opportunities for learning at the local school district.

Services We Provide

ESVI Educational Vision Consultants are dually certified in Orientation and Mobility (COMS) and Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI), including advanced degrees in education. ESVI services are offered at different levels, ranging from general, to targeted, to intensive.

General Technical Assistance 

These services will be available to all public school districts and educational cooperatives in the state of Arkansas (as supported by ADE grant)
  •  Brief email and/or phone consultations available
  •  ESVI will exhibit and present at conferences (re: services for students with visual impairments) as requested and deemed appropriate
  •  Online resources
  •  Brochures       
  •  Collaboration with other agencies and service providers

Targeted Technical Assistance                      

  •  One-time or limited onsite and/or professional development training
  •  Facilitate building-level, student-centered teams for students with visual impairments
  •  Professional development sessions to address student-specific needs
  •  Online conference call specific to a student
  •  Consult and meet with Special Education Supervisor and district administration
  •  Collaboration with area service grant programs for special education
  •  Ongoing collaboration with Division of Services for the Blind, Arkansas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and other state agencies serving the blind and visually impaired
  •  Presenting program information at local and state meetings
  •  Facilitate state and local meetings and professional development for district Teachers of the Visually Impaired
  •  One-time or limited consultation with a district serving a student under 504 that is visually impaired that may include
  •  Interpreting eye medical report as it relates to the educational environment
  •  Learning Media Assessment and Functional Vision Assessment as required for 504 students
  •  Functional Assistive Technology Evaluation, which may result in device demonstration, loan and training

Intensive Technical Assistance 

Consultant services are offered for qualifying students that are provided on a consistent, on-going basis that includes district collaboration responsibilities.
  •  Provide district administrators with best practice information; facilitation and follow-up in designing local educational programs for students who are blind or visually impaired
  •  Facilitate building-level, student-centered teams and team meetings for students with visual impairments
  •  Provide information to incorporate the expanded core curriculum into the instructional setting
  •  Facilitate the acquisition of Braille, large print and digital media textbooks
  •  Provide direct service Orientation & Mobility instruction to qualifying students
  •  Demonstrate, loan and train on use of recommended assistive technology
  •  Monitor the use of assistive technology in the educational setting
  •  Provide written reports to the local school districts on ESVI consultations and assessments
  •  Participate in the student’s transition planning process in collaboration with Arkansas Transition Services and Division of Services for the Blind transition counselors
  •  Collaboration with area service grant programs for special education
  •  Ongoing collaboration with Division of Services for the Blind, Arkansas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and other state agencies serving the blind and visually impaired
  •  Provide district-level general and student-specific in-service training for staff
  •  Facilitate state and local meetings and professional development for district Teachers of the Visually Impaired
  •  Perform appropriate assessments
  •  Learning Media
  •  Functional Vision
  •  Braille
  •  Orientation & Mobility
  •  Cortical Vision Impairment
  •  Functional Assistive Technology Evaluation

For more information, please contact:

Christi Dixon
ESVI State Coordinator