Arkansas Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Project
Arkansas Boundless Learning Co-Teaching Project
The Arkansas Boundless Learning Co-Teaching (BLC) Project, in partnership with Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Technology in Education, offers a blended, year-long, comprehensive professional development package designed to assist schools in creating sustainable and effective co-teaching programs. The BLC Project for co-teachers and administrators aims to enhance co-planning, co-instructing, and co-assessing, so that all students, including students with disabilities, achieve their academic and behavioral targets. The project includes a face-to-face introductory training, facilitated online modules, electronic learning communities, on-site coaching visits, and evaluations before and after implementation.
Visit to learn more about this project.
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Huffmaster, Inclusive Education Specialist
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
1401 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 425
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-319-7091