English Language Arts
The ability to communicate effectively through reading, writing, speaking, and listening is an essential 21st century skill. English language arts teachers put students on the path to literacy by teaching them how to read, write, speak, and listen. Students learn to use the English language strategically in formal and informal contexts to select and craft the most effective form of communication based on audience, purpose, and message. Also important, English language arts provides students with broad experience in reading and writing literature and literary nonfiction texts that deepen their understanding of human experience and illustrate both practical and artful use of language.
Literacy Support Plan Guidance
The DESE is in the process of developing rules to support public school districts and open-enrollment public charter schools that are required to include a literacy plan in the annual school improvement plan. This Literacy Support Plan Guidance Document has been created to serve as a resource to schools in meeting this requirement.
For more information, please contact:
Disciplinary Literacy Program Manager