Background Checks

Arkansas State, FBI, and Child Maltreatment Central registry background checks are required for student teaching internship, first time licensure and all licensure renewals, first employment or change of employment in a public school, charter school, or education service cooperative. Arkansas Code Ann. §§ 6-17-410 and 6-17-414 identify the disqualifying offenses. A summary list may be found at: Disqualifying Offenses (PDF).


Licensed Educators

Classified Employees

To schedule an appointment for fingerprinting at the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, click the following link: Sign up for an Appointment


    For more information, please contact:

    Clara Toney, Public School Program Advisor
    Office of Educator Licensure
    Arkansas Department of Education
    4 Capitol Mall, Room 102-B
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Phone:  501-682-4342
    Fax:  501-682-4898

    Joi CrawfordLegal Services Specialist
    Professional Licensure Standards
    4 Capitol Mall, Box 30
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Phone: 501-682-4695
    Fax: 501-682-3781 


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