Adding to a License

Add a Degree

To add a degree to your current educator license, complete the online application.
Request the college/university to send the transcript to the Office of Educator Licensure, Four Capitol Mall, Room 106-B, Little Rock, AR  72201, or electronically through EDI with the recipient code ADELIC. Emailed copies cannot be accepted.

Add an Area or Endorsement to a License

Teachers and administrators may add additional areas of licensure to the standard Arkansas teaching license by one of the two methods described below.

Three Ways to Add Areas of Licensure or Endorsements

(1) Testing Out

  • An educator must hold a Standard License in Arkansas to add a licensure level by testing out. The following licensure types qualify as a Standard License: Standard, Ancillary, and Technical Permits. Testing out is for first-time licensure areas and is not available for exception areas.
  • Educators can test out of special education; however, a one-year mentor special education mentoring plan must be followed. See information here.
  • The Office of Educator Licensure will add the new area upon receipt of a completed - online application requesting the new area with a copy of the Praxis II Specialty Area score report reflecting a passing score for the area to be added. Special education applicants will be granted an initial license until the one-year mentoring requirement is complete. 
  • New Exam for Testing Out of Elementary Education (K-6): In addition to current requirements, an applicant for an Elementary Education (K-6) license who is adding the area by testing out after September 1, 2017, shall pass the Pearson Foundations of Reading Test.  (Act 416 of 2017) The link to the testing website will be provided as soon as it is available.

(2) Program of Study and Required Assessment

  • Whenever an area of licensure/endorsement cannot be added by testing out, the educator shall document on an official college transcript the successful completion of all coursework that is required for adding the new area of licensure. A current Praxis II score report reflecting a passing score for the subject area being added shall also be provided by the educator. The application must be recommended by an approved Arkansas University licensure officer. An applicant whose coursework was completed more than 10 years prior to the date of application shall complete the current requirements. When coursework has been completed through an out-of-state university, the area must first be applied to the out-of-state license.
  • New Exam for Adding Elementary Education (K-6) or Special Education (K-12) by Program of Study: In addition to current requirements, an applicant for an Elementary Education (K-6) or a Special Education (K-12) license who is adding the area by a program of study, and begins the program of study or pathway in or after the Fall semester of the 2017-2018 academic year shall pass the Foundations of Reading Test. (Act 416 of 2017) The link to the testing website will be provided as soon as it is available.
  • The Driver’s Education Endorsement is available only by completing a 6-hour program of study. Per the Rules Governing Educator Licensure, educators adding an endorsement to a standard teaching license must pass a performance assessment after completing the program of study.

(3) 18-hour Program of Study and 3.0 GPA

  • Educator Preparation Programs with a DESE Approved Program of Study of 18 hours or more with the requirement of a 3.0 GPA can recommend individuals for the approved licensure area upon completion of the program of study. The application must be recommended by an approved Arkansas University licensure officer. No licensure assessment is required for this option. Administrative licensure areas are included.


For more information, please contact:

Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 106-B
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone:  501-682-4342
Fax:  501-682-4898