PLSB Training


Code of Ethics Video

Watch the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators video (


ArkansasIDEAS Courses

The PLSB has also sponsored two courses on ArkansasIDEAS:

PLSB Training for School Districts & Educator Preparation Programs 

The Professional Licensure Standards Board (PLSB) will provide the following training on the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators:

  • (K-12) Code of Ethics Training: This training will go through the process of filling out an allegation form, explaining what the investigative process entails, discussion of the eight (8) standards along with case examples, use of Social Media (pros/cons), and statistical information gathered from investigations. (1.5 to 2 hours in length)
  • Training at Educator Preparation Programs:  This training is geared for those pre-service teachers who are currently or will be conducting their student teaching at an assigned school district.  This training gives the pre-service teacher a foundational knowledge of the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators prior to their official employment.  This training will address the process of filling out an allegation form, explaining what the investigative process entails, discussion of the eight (8) standards along with case examples, use of Social Media (pros/cons), overview of the Rules Governing the Code of Ethics for Arkansas Educators, and statistical information gathered from investigations. (1.5 to 2 hours in length)

Contact PLSB to schedule a training at 501-371-8014.