How to Obtain a License

Online Application

Apply online for the following:

  • Standard or Provisional Arkansas Teaching License
  • Applying for Arkansas licensure by Reciprocity
  • Name Change on an existing Arkansas License  (no fee)
  • Renewal of an existing Arkansas teaching license
  • Correction
  • Non-Traditional License (TFA, MAT/MED/MTLL, APPEL - formerly ADE Non-Traditional)
  • Requesting a duplicate of an existing Arkansas Teaching License
  • Apply for Lifetime Teaching License (no fee)
  • Adding an area by testing out
  • Adding a Degree  (no fee)
  • Change of Address (no fee)

The fee for a license can be paid online OR you can attach a money order or cashier’s check (NO CASH PLEASE) to the application made out to the Arkansas Department of Education. 

You may request a paper application by contacting the Office of Educator Licensure at

Submit application and payment to:

Office of Educator Licensure
Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall, Rooms 106-B and107-B
Little Rock, AR 72201-1071
NOTE: Incomplete applications will be returned without action, with omissions checked.

Applying for a Technical Permit

  1. 1. Complete the online Consent Form and pay the state and federal background check fee.
  2. 2. Visit your regional co-op to be fingerprinted. For a list, please go to Live Scan Locations
  3. 3. Complete the Child Maltreatment Central Registry background check form and mail it to Central Registry. 
  4. 4. Complete the first page of the Educator Licensure Application (paper version)
  5. 5. Submit an application to Office of Educator Licensure along with documentation supporting your desired permit area (e.g. transcript, resume, professional license, training certificates, etc.). The $75 application fee should be submitted at this time via money order or cashier’s check.
  6. 6. Complete the pre-service professional development and submit certificates of completion to Office of Educator Licensure. Professional development can be completed at The requirements are as follows:
  7. Parental Involvement – 2 hours
  8. Child Maltreatment – 2 hours
  9. Youth Suicide Preventions – 2 hours
  10. Dyslexia Awareness – 1 hours

Available Licenses

For information on the various levels and areas of licensure, please go to Educator Licensure Levels and Areas.

For more information, please contact:

Office of Educator Licensure
Arkansas Department of Education
Four Capitol Mall, Room 106-B
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone:  501-682-4342