Rescission/Reinstatement of a License

Rescission of a License

A license may be rescinded if a license is issued in error.  Possible causes for rescission include:
  • Fraud or misrepresentation of information provided to the ADE for licensure
  • A determination that an out-of-state license is not in good standing

Reinstating an Expired License

An expired license may be reinstated by completing the requirements for renewal. Please contact Educator Licensure (below) to get your specific requirements for renewal.

    Reinstating a Suspended or Revoked License

    When a license is suspended for disciplinary action, the educator must complete all conditions of the suspension. The PLSB or ADE will verify the completion of the suspension. The educator must submit an application for reinstatement.

    A revoked license is not eligible for reinstatement in Arkansas.

    For more information, please contact:

    Office of Educator Licensure
    Arkansas Department of Education
    Four Capitol Mall, Room 106-B
    Little Rock, AR 72201
    Phone:  501-682-4342
    Fax:  501-682-4898