Teach Arkansas

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From Pre-K to post-secondary, every child deserves to be surrounded by a team of excellent educators every year. Ensuring equitable access in Arkansas schools is part of a larger initiative across the United States designed to move America toward the day when every student in every public school is taught by excellent educators.


Becoming a Teacher or School Leader

Educator Licensure and PLSB

Educator Support and Development

Educator Workforce Resources and Data

Leader Support and Development
National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT)Background Checks (Classified Employees)
Commissioner's Memos
Teacher Support and Development (TESS)Educator Preparation News
 Teacher Academies 
 Allegation Packet  


For more information, please contact:

Karli Saracini, Assistant Commissioner of Educator Effectiveness & Licensure
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Four Capitol Mall, Rm 401-1A
Little Rock, AR  72201

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