Educator Workforce Data

Arkansas Teacher Workforce Report

A.C.A. § 6-17-2905 Requires the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to annually conduct and publish a report on the teacher workforce, including teacher shortage areas, teacher pipeline, and retention.

2024 Teacher Workforce Report

2024-25 Teacher Shortage Areas

The ADE Division of Elementary and Secondary Education collaborates with the University of Arkansas for Education Policy to analyze state teacher pipeline data and define subject and geographic shortage areas.

The shortage areas below are based on the following data from three school years (2021, 2022, and 2023). 

  • Demand-percentage of unlicensed teachers and teacher attrition
  • Supply-educator preparation program pipeline

Subject Shortage Areas

Geographic Shortage Areas

A spreadsheet of districts can be found here. A PDF of the map above can be found here.

For teachers employed in Arkansas public schools or charter schools that are identified as geographic and subject shortage areas, licensure test fee reimbursements are available on a limited basis from the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). 

Teacher Retention

 DESE partners with the University of Arkansas’s Office for Education Policy on research around teacher retention in Arkansas. The most recent blog and research brief can be accessed here.

Survey Data

DESE partners with the University of Arkansas’s Office for Education Policy to administer multiple surveys focused on the educator workforce.

2023 & 2024 Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Completer Survey Report

2023 & 2024 Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Completer Supervisor Survey Report

2023 & 2024 Novice Teacher Survey Report

2024 Wellbeing and Working Conditions in the Arkansas Teacher Workforce

Educator Preparation Provider Quality Reports

Highly effective teachers and principals are paramount to producing college and career ready learners. To continuously improve the quality of the state’s educator preparation providers (EPPs), the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) works collaboratively with traditional and alternative EPPs to report data via the Educator Preparation Provider Quality Report (EPPQR). 

The EPPQR provides information on enrollees and completers at EPPs and reports demographic and statistical data to inform policy decisions. The commitment of EPPs to providing accurate, relevant data in a timely manner demonstrates their dedication and contribution to the success of this effort. All parties involved share an interest in preparing the best possible educators to provide a quality education to all Arkansas students. 

The most recent EPPQR can be accessed here: 2022 EPPQR
All EPPQRs can be accessed here:

Title II of the Higher Education Act

All Arkansas-approved educator preparation programs must adhere to reporting requirements outlined in Title II of the Higher Education Act. Those reports can be found here:

Title II Contacts of Arkansas’s Educator Preparation Programs

Combined ETS and Trewon User Guide

Administrator Licensure Program Pipeline Data

Administrators in Arkansas schools play a key role in the education of all students, being responsible for daily management operations and, most importantly, instructional leadership for all.

An administrator license issued by the state allows one to serve as an administrator in an Arkansas school district or other state agency or organization requiring an administrator license.

Workforce Stability Index (WSI)

The Workforce Stability Index (WSI) is a measure of workforce quality defined in Arkansas’s state plan as required under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). DESE uses the WSI to identify districts and schools with potential gaps in access to effective teachers and target interventions and resources intended to close those gaps.

The WSI includes 8 variables across the 5 domains (Table 1) that are commonly used measures of workforce quality. All of the variables in each domain are positively related to workforce quality, meaning that as a district or school improves on a variable, one would expect to also see improvements in their WSI scores.

The DESE relies on the WSI as a diagnostic tool to identify districts that perform poorly across all 5 WSI domains. After identifying districts and schools in need of assistance, the DESE can target support, such as human capital audits or other human capital management interventions, to improve the quality of their respective educator workforces. 

WSI data is available at the following locations:

2024 WSI High-Poverty/High-Minority Report for Title I Schools

WSI Data for 2022 and 2023


For more information, please contact:

Sharlee Crowson, Ed.S.
Educator Workforce Data Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Educator Effectiveness and Licensure
Four Capitol Mall, Room 401B
Little Rock, AR 72201-1019
Office: 501-682-6349
Cell: 501-519-6185